From blog

Navigation must make sense

Hiding important stuff behind code words might cost you business. Navigation titles should be clear and that people use in daily life. Jared Spool beautifully explains this with examples and following DOs and DON’Ts: Don’t hide your most valuable assets behind generic links. Avoid copying the design of your site’s navigation from other sites, especially […]

Why are wireframes important?

Though wireframes are very close to visual design but they have a purpose and very important one. Tanya Breshears at Zurblog explains: At the wireframe stage, we want to focus on structure and content, not the color of the text or the drop shadow on that sidebar. It’s far better to limit the possible variables […]

Better, Faster and Flexible way to build web-apps

I love 37signals products and their work strategies. In this video Ryan Signer – UI designer and product manager at 37signals – walked through the process of how they build web-apps at 37signals. Really impressive!

Designer’s only lesson

If there are few people who know what they are designing and know what they are talking about, then Andy Rutledge is one among them. Here is another useful article — The Design Lesson: 1 of 1. In graphic design, nothing is what it actually is. Everything other than content is representative of something else. […]

Reading this week: 1

Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence. — Abigail Adams Since I’ve started designing for web, learning for me has never stopped. And there is still lot to learn which I’m sure won’t finish till end. Every week I try to read 5-7 good […]

Designing Web Interfaces: Webcast

I really love to do an extensive research before I design anything, may it be a simple search input box, my wedding card or a complex information dashboard. I’ve already expressed my love for reading books about User Interface Design, usability, typography, IA and HTML/CSS. Here is a video I found which I strongly believe […]

Context precedes Content

King of Web Standards Jeffrey Zeldman says, “Content precedes design. Design in the absence of content is not design, it’s decoration.”, and very rightly so. Content is what (mostly) people use World Wide Web for and it can’t take back seat while we design a website. However, based on recent article by Jeff Croft, I […]

Indispensable Skills for UX Mastery

I strongly believe that a freelance web designer must learn something, if not everything, about UX (User Experience). For practicing User Experience Designers, one of the most important laws isn’t Fitts’s Law, which helps us understand how to design interactive elements. Nor is it Hick’s Law, which describes how long people take to make decisions. […]

Types of Web design

Even web design have different types. Luke Wroblewski mentioned about it in his notes on Jared Spool‘s talk: Anatomy of a Design Decision at An Event Apart. Unintentional design happens when you were paying attention to something else (like the system or process). It works when our users will put up with whatever we give […]

See your website in Web fonts

FontFonter: Try Web FontFonts on any website using a new service by FontShop. It uses custom CSS and other techniques to temporarily replace a site’s font styles with Web FontFonts.