From blog

The Web Aesthetic

Since the Responsive Design has been introduced, we all started focusing on making websites responsive and on our way we ignored the aesthetics. At A List Apart, Paul Lloyd explores this subject and suggests how we can retain the aesthetics while being responsive. We’re embracing “responsive” but neglecting the second part: “design.” We’re replacing fixed-width […]

Emerging UI Patterns

Designers are trying different UI elements to enhance user interaction everyday. Stephen P. Anderson has compiled some latest and interesting UI patterns emerging lately answering to the following question: What are the best UI elements (controls, patterns, etc.) that have cropped up in modern web sites and web apps recently? → Check the answer on […]

All-in-one Homepage

A website homepage has been considered most important page till date as it’s believed to be the first impression of any product or company, online. Kyle Meyer—product designer at Facebook—lists 3 types of homepage layouts: Sparse, Short-form and Long-form and explains why Long-form does the best job and how: Long-form home pages aim to provide […]

Designing with Personality: MailChimp redesign case study is more famous for it’s personality than newsletters. While reading Redesigning the Web by Smashing Magazine I came across the case study about redesign launched in January of 2011. It contains some vitals thoughts from senior designer, Aaron Robbs: I’m a big proponent of modernism and minimalism. If we stripped it back to […]

Managing Productive Visual Design Reviews

Kim Culen shares tips and tricks that the visual designers at Adaptive Path use to manage effective client reviews: I like to think of the visual design as the emotional bridge between the user and interface. However, emotional responses are very personal and hard to quantify. When you are dealing with differing preferences over color, […]

20 Principles of User Interface Design

Being a UI designer is much more than pushing pretty pixels. You’ve huge responsibility on your shoulders to help your audience achieve their goals easily and completely. Just like graphic design, UI design has some principles too. Joshua Porter has compiled a list of 20 such principles, that I’m trying to remember by heart. Clarity […]

Misinterpreting Minimalism

I, too, am practitioner of minimal design that is built on solid foundation of grids and typography. But sometimes minimalism is misinterpreting as Minh Tran states on Viget Inspire: A generalized definition of minimalism could be when something, an object or idea, is stripped down to its essential elements. In minimalistic art in the 1960s, […]

Story-centered Design

Now onwards I’m designing stories and not screens. Braden Kowitz explains why and how: Once you’re dealing with an app that has a dozen screens and hundreds of states, you can’t hold the whole product in your head like a poster. I noticed that our team was emailing around individual screens, talking about individual screens, […]

Tumblr committed Type Crime

Tumblr homepage is simply beautiful, minimal and to the point but they committed a type crime even in this little amount of text. Tumblr is using prime mark (a.k.a. dumb quote) instead of  closed quotation mark (or apostrophe). Ellen Lupton in Thinking with Type says: The purpose of prime marks, or hatch marks, is to indicate […]

Reading in 2011

I’ve always loved reading good design books. I believe they are better and reliable source of information as compared to blogs as many great people put lot of hard work to get a single book out. In 2011, I bought 40 books and managed to read just 16 as of now. Books I’ve read:  Recommended […]