From blog

We must Learn to Write

Short and valuable piece about why we must learn to write well: Writing is the connective tissue that creates understanding. We, as social creatures, often better perform rituals to form understanding one on one, but good writing enables us to understand each other at scale. Read more at Rands In Repose

Identifying Design Problems

Joshua Porter (Bokardo) explains how to identify best design problems and how to tackle them using UX principle: Saying we have a problem is easy, but the real problems are the ones we get emotional about. Frustration is the first clue that people have a real problem on their hands. They might not know how to articulate […]

Ten Lessons from GitHub

Tom Preston-Werner cofounder of Github tells about his early (and some valuable) experiences with Github and 10 things he learnt on the way. For me, 2008 was the year that I helped design, develop, and launch GitHub. Creating a new startup is an intense learning experience. Through screwups and triumphs, I have learned some valuable […]

Navigation must make sense

Hiding important stuff behind code words might cost you business. Navigation titles should be clear and that people use in daily life. Jared Spool beautifully explains this with examples and following DOs and DON’Ts: Don’t hide your most valuable assets behind generic links. Avoid copying the design of your site’s navigation from other sites, especially […]

Better, Faster and Flexible way to build web-apps

I love 37signals products and their work strategies. In this video Ryan Signer – UI designer and product manager at 37signals – walked through the process of how they build web-apps at 37signals. Really impressive!

State of User Experience

After digging deep into design, layout, grids, typography lately I moved my focus to another interesting field related to web design — User Experience Design. Recently I’ve been reading books and article about it. Here is another useful video I found today [via Aarron Walter]. Worth watching. UX Week 2009 | Jesse James Garrett | […]

Conversation with a Comment Form

Me: Hey, I want to say something.

CF (Comment Form): Wait, what’s your name?

Me: I’m Amrinder and I’m trying to say… [interrupted]

CF: What’s your email address?

Me: … it’s So I was saying that… [interrupted]

CF: Do you have a website? If yes, what’s the URL?

Me: … yes, I have but… anyway it’s

CF: Now please leave your comment.

Me: Ohk, I was saying that… your article is… good. Actually there was something else in my mind which I forgot…

This was my conversation with a comment form.

Building customer’s loyalty

Most companies spend large amount of money to come up with all type of plans and offers as to delight their customers. However, they rarely examine the real behavior of a customer. Consumers’ impulse to punish bad service—at least more readily than to reward delightful service—plays out dramatically in both phone-based and self-service interactions, which […]

Types of Web design

Even web design have different types. Luke Wroblewski mentioned about it in his notes on Jared Spool‘s talk: Anatomy of a Design Decision at An Event Apart. Unintentional design happens when you were paying attention to something else (like the system or process). It works when our users will put up with whatever we give […]

Mau Method

Ask the right questions, understand the problem, and explore lots of possible solutions.

Bruce Mau