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Thinking is Painful

Great article about Thinking, Listening and Imagination: We avoid the pain of thinking like a medical examination. We’d like to believe we’re too smart to think. Thinking is stressful. While stereotypes click together sweetly, thinking comes in bitter flavors. We recur to clichés rather than reflection, because they make us wise without listening, bright without […]

Design with Empathy

It’s not about creating a portfolio piece. It’s about helping the people you now know solve their problems using your unique skills. Working this way, with real people in mind, is much better than staring at a blank canvas or whiteboard and giving it your best guess. Design is about solving problems. If you spend […]

Make things people want

Interesting read with proven examples how focusing on real problem makes a product successful. The problems people encounter in their lives rarely change from generation to generation. The products they hire to solve these problems change all the time. Read the article

Designing for performance

Being a designer who knows HTML/CSS quite well helps me to make thoughtful decisions about how my designs will perform. Front-end plays a great part in overall performance of an website/webapp. Lara Swanson emphasizes the point in her recent article at A List Apart. Adding half a second to a search results page can decrease […]

Good Performance is Good Design

“Most people make the mistake of thinking design is what it looks like. That’s not what we think design is. It’s not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” said Steve Jobs and I remember this by heart and try to follow it always. These days there’s been a […]

Baseline Grids on the Web

I’ve read a few books and good articles about baseline grid and how to use it for the Web. But over the time I’ve found it difficult to fit it in my usual design process. Jason Santa Maria share his problems with baseline grids on the web and other technical issues. It’s incredibly difficult to maintain a baseline grid in […]

What does it mean to be Simple?

There are many definitions of Simplicity but Daniel Ritzenthaler explains what does Simple actually mean at 52 Weeks of UX: Prevailing wisdom suggests that simplicity is about less…removal and reductionism. But simplicity is really about comprehension and clarity of purpose…can we design such that people instantly understand what’s going on and make a confident decision […]

The Web Aesthetic

Since the Responsive Design has been introduced, we all started focusing on making websites responsive and on our way we ignored the aesthetics. At A List Apart, Paul Lloyd explores this subject and suggests how we can retain the aesthetics while being responsive. We’re embracing “responsive” but neglecting the second part: “design.” We’re replacing fixed-width […]

All-in-one Homepage

A website homepage has been considered most important page till date as it’s believed to be the first impression of any product or company, online. Kyle Meyer—product designer at Facebook—lists 3 types of homepage layouts: Sparse, Short-form and Long-form and explains why Long-form does the best job and how: Long-form home pages aim to provide […]

Designing with Personality: MailChimp redesign case study is more famous for it’s personality than newsletters. While reading Redesigning the Web by Smashing Magazine I came across the case study about redesign launched in January of 2011. It contains some vitals thoughts from senior designer, Aaron Robbs: I’m a big proponent of modernism and minimalism. If we stripped it back to […]