Read more books than blogs

I highly recommend that. Reading books over blogs gives you an in-depth knowledge for a particular subject and that too by an expert. Unlike blogs where people like me share their thoughts and ideas which may or may not be logical while in books these are not just thoughts but tested, proved practices. Blogging is easy, free so everyone is doing it. But writing books require expertise and more than 1 person is involved. Blogs does the routine posting like 3-6 articles a week and there are hundreds out there causing information overload. So I find reading books more useful, valuable and convenient over blogs.

Image Source: 9GAG


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  • # Jatin
    says on April 24

    Great tip. I am self-taught web developer, and I personally find that books provides a more correct and detailed information.

    I am not against any blogs or bloggers, but there are many newbie blogger who do blogging about things even they don’t know.

  • # ramesh
    says on May 08

    Web Design/Programming or anything…nothing can replace well written and organized book

  • # peter
    says on June 03

    Web Design/Programming or anything…nothing can replace well written and organized book