Simplifying SlideShare Player

SlideShare to slides is what Youtube is to videos. Lots of valuable content by invaluable presenters can be found there. I’ve rebuilt the SlideShare Player following Joshua Porter’s strategy of Metrics driven design.

Following are 5 randomly selected presentations along with statistics (as on 8th Jan’11 at 8pm IST):

Slides Views Favorite Tweets fShare flike Embed Download
CSS Bloat 1,270 9 4 38 0 0 12
The Dragonfly Effect 12,333 28 20 36 106 14 91
SMOKE 120,817 291 475 1,537 5,863 284 8,165
Keynote Kung-Fu 58,793 262 134 144 135 81 1,430
The Brand Gap 909,875 5,672 271 495 1,222 1,901 26
Total 1,103,088 6,262 904 2,250 7,326 2,280 9,724
Average 100 0.56 0.08 0.2 0.66 0.2 0.88

In the standard SlideShare player, the user-action buttons are split into 3 sections i.e. top, left and bottom of the player. In addition to this, there are too many player controls shown upfront which can be reduced to basic PREV and NEXT only.

Current SlideShare PlayerStandard SlideShare Player

I’ve redesigned the player based on the stats for various user actions from the above table. Play control is altogether omitted because user will need to stop and read content that varies from slide to slide.

Redesigned SlideShare Player
Redesigned SlideShare Player

Based on Principle 2 (Keep it Lightweight » Hover-reveal tools) from Designing Web Interfaces, the First Slide and Last Slide buttons are hidden by default and shown on demand (mouse hover). Following are 3 states of interactions shown for the player controls:

player controls interaction
1. Default status

player controls interaction
2. When user hovers over PREV button First slide button will appear

player controls interaction
3. When user hovers over NEXT button Last slide button will appear

While working on the standard player on SlideShare website, I also worked on the following embedded version.

SlideShare Embedded Player

All Share buttons (twitter, facebook and email) are moved to a menu. Number of elements from player bar are reduced and additional full screen mode is added.

SlideShare Embedded Player

SlideShare Embedded Player

I believe that this redesign can serve as ground for SlideShare to create something better.



Add your comment

  • # Ryan
    says on January 26

    Nice work Amrinder, new one is really nice and simple. I can get some inspiration from it for my game player.

    Thanks 🙂

  • # Prashant
    says on January 26

    nice work man… its really simple now, just like new youtube player 🙂

  • # Joe Mako
    says on January 26

    Your redesign is great for clicking to change each slide, but what about the “Play” button?

  • # Kaushik Panchal
    says on January 27

    Looks beautiful and easy to use.
    Nice work 🙂

  • # Ben Jacob
    says on January 27

    That is much better, Clean and intelligent.. The Official Slide Share is visibly a child play.. 😀